From time to time, CHASRO may engage in special fund raising to support legal or other action by its membership. On the application signed by at least 3 Members, and at the discretion of the Committee, CHASRO will assist within its full ability those members (the Claimants) who wish to pursue legal action to control the development of the area. Prior to support, CHASRO would expect the Claimants to have:

  • been members of CHASRO for at least one year prior (except in the two years of CHASRO existence);
  • sought (and paid for) suitable legal advice from a recognised authority or be relying on existing advice that CHASRO holds on behalf of its membership; and in the former case shared that advice with CHASRO committee;
  • checked and shown evidence that they do not hold insurance that would cover the claim or shown that the requested support would further the benefits of the wider society membership;
  • undertake to share ALL legal advice with CHASRO at the end or conclusion of their case;
  • stated the outcome that the Claimant wants to achieve;
  • abided by the funding rules set out herein;
  • provide CHASRO and its donors with suitable indemnity in the unlikely case that the courts make cost or damages awards against CHASRO and/or its donors.

These rules define how these funds shall be used.

  • These funds will be held separately from general society funds.
  • Funds will only be transferred to a Solicitor (or Barrister) acting on behalf of the Claimants.
  • Funds from CHASRO will only be used for costs related directly to pursuing the state aim.
  • All funds and costs need to be fully accounted for, via invoices
  • Claimants and their supporters will agree a written procedure with CHASRO for the disbursement of these funds.
  • In the event that the Claimants have costs awarded, they will return any surplus to CHASRO.  These funds will then be added to the CHASRO general reserve.
  • Claimants undertake to allow their accounts relating to the action to be open for independent audit and oversight.