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Belong to an active organisation who care about where we live

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Access to the CHASRO Library*

About Us

We are a growing group of concerned residents who wish to preserve the beautiful area that we live in for future generations. In recent years Croydon Council has removed the conservation area status and diluted planning rules to open the area up for development. Clusters of unsightly apartment complexes have started to emerge, including at the Southern end of West Hill, where 4 detached houses and mature trees have been replaced by 52 apartments and a sea of concrete. Disgruntled residents are choosing to sell at reduced valuations and subsequent planning approvals are easier to achieve when they can point to the ‘flats next door’.

Developers are now targeting the idyllic surroundings at the foot of Croham Hurst Woods, with one planning approval already granted and two others being sought. The 31 apartments will only be the beginning and within years the unique amenity of the neighbourhood will slowly disappear.
Thankfully, planning approval alone does not give developers the legal right to build apartments. Restrictive covenants are in place to allow only a single dwellinghouse on each property, but they need to be enforced by surrounding residents to have any effect. Please donate or contact us to work out how you can help stop mass development on your doorstep.

Membership for 2024 is now closed.

* on request