The Local Estates image
Within the CHASRO area there are a number of building estates:
  • Fox Farm Estate -  a Whitgift Estate, this is formed of two distinct estates, One that was mainly developed between 1926 and 1950 and the AJ Wait Estate around the Ridgeway school.  The Estate is bound by Covenants that limit the building to mainly single detached houses.  There is pending litigation to determine who the true beneficiary of the covenants are. 
  • Croham Farm - Another Whitgift Estate  That has very similar restrictions to the Fox Farm Estate
  • Ellis Davis Estate - Developed from the early 1900s  to the mid 1950s. The covenants here are again very similar to the Whitgift Fox Farm Estate. 
  • Sanderstead Estate - 
  • Wigsell Estate - A Building Scheme from the late 1890s of mutually enforceable covenants. These limit to the construction of a single detached house.  The scheme has been breached by the construction of Flats at 1, 1a and 2a. and the scheme would need to be enforced within 12 years of the breaches being built. 
  • Hayward Estate - A small estate constructed mainly in the 1960s 
  • Croham Place - A small estate constructed mainly in the late 1940s