for Croham Hurst and Sanderstead Residents Against Overdevelopment hereafter called CHASRO

1.    Aims

1.1    To maintain the character of our area by preventing overdevelopment, specifically the demolition of single family dwellings and the building of blocks of flats in their place.

1.2    To support our members and residents within the CHASRO area, in activities opposing overdevelopment which include, but are not limited to, highlighting planning applications and suggesting responses and support in enforcing covenants. This support will include raising funds for legal costs in enforcing covenants.

2.    Membership

2.1    Membership of CHASRO is open to all persons over the age of 18, living within the CHASRO area (see map). 

2.2    Prospective Members must submit a membership application form to the Association’s Secretary.

2.3    Applications for membership will be considered by the Committee; acceptance or otherwise will be final.

2.4    Membership commences once the Committee have approved acceptance.

2.5    The Committee shall have the right to terminate the membership of the residents of any household which act contrary to the aims of CHASRO.

2.6    Membership shall cease immediately if a member moves out of the CHASRO area, except subject to paragraph 2.7 below or if subscriptions are not paid within three months of becoming due.

2.7    The Committee may also, at its discretion, accept applications for membership from those outside the CHASRO geographical area.

2.8    All members shall pay an annual subscription as agreed at the Inaugural Meeting of the Association and then as agreed at the Annual General Meeting.

2.9    For those members joining part way through the year the annual subscription will be prorated on the number of months left to run of the year. 

2.10  The subscription year runs from 1st January to 31st December

2.11  The Secretary or another delegated officer shall perform the role of Membership       Secretary and keep records of all members sufficient to determine their eligibility to vote at AGM’s and Special General Meeting or be elected as Committee members.

2.12     Subscriptions once paid are not refundable except at the discretion of the Committee.

3.    The Committee and Officers

3.1    Subject to the limitations and stipulations set out in this Constitution, the policy and general management of the affairs of CHASRO shall be directed by the Committee

3.2    The Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, known as the  Officers of the Committee and up to a further 6 members of CHASRO, to be known as the Members of the Committee.

3.3    Only members of the Association can stand for election as Committee members.

3.4    Elections for a new Committee shall be held every AGM with current Committee Members and Officers retiring and, if they wish, standing  for re-election.

3.5    The Committee shall have the power to appoint subcommittees as it may from time to time decide and may determine their powers and terms of reference.

3.6    The Committee may also co-opt individuals to the Committee or sub committees who may or may not be members of the Association. 

3.7    Four (4) members shall form a quorum at meetings of the Committee and voting shall be by simple majority with the Chairman holding the second casting vote.

3.8    The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings to include records of attendance and circulate these to all members at least a week before the next Committee meeting.

3.9    All Committee members must be given 14 days written notice (via email) of the next Committee meeting and receive an Agenda and all relevant papers a week prior to the meeting. 

4)    Annual General Meetings and Special Meetings

4.1    Once a year at a date which has to be decided the Committee shall convene an Annual General Meeting of CHASRO at which all those members who have been a member for SIX months or more (qualification period) will be entitled to vote at the meeting for the purpose of:

a.    receiving the Annual Report of the Committee;

b.    receiving the approved statement of the accounts;

c.    electing the Executive Officers and Members of the Committee for the forthcoming year.  Nomination for membership of the Committee should be addressed in writing to the Secretary to arrive no later than 14 days before the date of the AGM and be signed by the nominator, seconder and nominee. Should insufficient nominations to cover the replacement of retiring members who do not wish to reapply, not have been submitted 14 days before the date of the AGM the Chairman will have the authority, at his or her own absolute discretion to consider accepting other nominations proposed and seconded either less than 14 days before the date of the AGM or at the AGM;

d.    appointing an Independent Examiner of the Associations Accounts;

e.    voting when necessary on proposals to amend this constitution in accordance with Paragraph 4.7;

f.    making recommendations to the Committee;

g.    dealing with any other business of which fourteen (14) days’ notice has been given.

4.2    The Chairman or the Secretary of CHASRO may at any time, at their discretion, or if directed to do so by the Committee must, within 28 days of receiving a written request signed by not less than 20 eligible members having the power to vote and giving reasons for the request, call a Special General Meeting of the Association for the purpose of considering the special business put forward and determining such action as may be appropriate.

4.3    Subject to the provisions of paragraph 4.7, all questions arising at any meeting of the Association or of the Committee shall be decided by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote. In the case of equality of votes the Chairman shall have a second casting vote.

4.4    Thirty percent (30%) of eligible members shall form a quorum at the Special or General Meetings of the Association.

4.5    Minutes shall be kept of all meetings with a record of all proceedings, resolutions and attendances.

4.6    The Secretary shall give each member not less than fourteen (14) days’ notice in writing whether by post or email or both, of the Annual General Meeting and all Special General Meetings.

4.7    The Committee shall have the power to act on any contingency not provided for in this Constitution and to fill any vacancy, ex officio or otherwise, occurring in the Committee between the date of one Annual General Meeting and the next.

5)    Finances

5.1    In addition to the Subscriptions from members, CHASRO shall have the power to accept donations for any purpose not inconsistent with its aims and may make special appeals for funds to be used in connection with any such purpose.

5.2    All monies raised by or on behalf of the Association shall be applied to further the aims of the Association and for no other purpose.

5.3    Donations received for a special purpose shall be accounted for separately from general purpose donations and subscriptions.

5.4    The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of CHASRO and produce a monthly report for the Committee.

5.5    The accounts shall be examined at least once a year by an Independent Examiner appointed at the Annual General Meeting.

5.6    The statement of accounts for the previous financial year shall be submitted by the Committee to the Annual General Meeting and copies made available.

5.7    Bank accounts shall be maintained in the name of CHASRO with such bank or building society as may be decided by the Committee. 

5.8    The Committee shall authorise the Treasurer, the Chairman and  two mandated Members of the Executive as authorised signatories to the bank or building society accounts.

5.9    The two authorised signatories shall be required to approve withdrawals and payments from the Association’s bank or building society accounts.

5.10    Authorised signatories will only approve transactions previously approved by the Committee.

5.11    Urgent payments that need to be made before the next Committee meeting must be approved in writing or email by at least the Chairman and 3 other Committee members.

6)    Changes to the Constitution and Dissolution

6.1    Any proposal to change this Constitution must be supported by a minimum of ten eligible members of CHASRO and delivered in writing to the Secretary, who must then call a Special Meeting within 28 days or include as business within the Annual General Meeting if this falls within the following 28 days.

6.2    This Constitution can be changed by a vote of 2/3 majority of members present and subject to the meeting being quorate.

6.3    A proposal to dissolve the association can also be made by the same process as a change to the Constitution.

6.4    On dissolution the funds of the Association, other than special purpose funds, after discharging any liabilities shall be donated equally to residents’ associations covering the Sanderstead and South Croydon wards.

6.5    On dissolution special purpose funds that cannot be applied to the purpose for which they were raised shall, wherever possible, be returned to the donors or be dealt with as in paragraph 6.4 above.